Take Gene Editing to the Next Level with Labguru’s New DNA Viewer

Gal Haase

Gal Haase


Jul 2022

Labguru has recently launched the latest version of its DNA viewer! Analyzing and editing sequences requires so much more than simple plasmid maps. That’s why Labguru’s updated DNA viewer provides researchers with an interactive experience, empowering them to click anywhere on a DNA map, translate sequences, and create new features. 

DNA viewer

Our brand new "simulate digestion" function even displays a plasmid following digestion with selected restriction enzymes! In addition to basic features such as enhanced viewing capabilities that allow users to view sequences as circular or linear, examine their length and ORFs, and visualize base numbers, users can now search and edit sequences and display primers along with their Tm, simulate digestion, visualize translation and utilize a new interactive menu.

The Labguru DNA Viewer provides researchers with an interactive experience.

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